Jeanette Connor 0161 657 3366 Founder (Secretary)
Vicky Connor 07842 378526 Team leader (Producer)
Sarah Knight 07803427997 Team leader (Treasurer)
Committee members
Carol Knight
Joanne Fishburn
Martin Howerth-Hynze
Claire Sillence
It is our policy that we as voluntary staff are checked through the criminal records bureau for their suitability to work with children for Spotlight theatre group.
We hold relevant Insurance.
Rules and policies are in place for all members and students to follow.
Students will be given a welcome pack on their first session to introduce them to staff and workshop expectations.
Meetings will be held to plan workshops and productions, both with staff and students.
Meetings will be held with parents for information relating to productions.
Friends of spotlight and professionals in the wider community will be invited into give their experiences in workshops i.e. Dance/movement, singing, make up, props, costume design and set painting.
When the opportunities arise students will be invited out with their families to enjoy a social event in the form of theatre visit, bowling etc.
Disillusion clause.
If spotlight theatre group was to dissolve all outstanding debts will be paid, properties sold and monies dispersed to local charitable organisations that have the same aims and objectives as us.
Aims and objectives
To promote the wellbeing of young people and to introduce them to all aspects of theatre,
To be inclusive
To promote self-expression
To build self confidence
Enhance creativity
Encourage co-operation
Build on social skills.
We also aim to put on at least two shows a year
Students will be encouraged:
To work creatively together in groups.
Experiment with ideas and solving problems.
Apply thinking skills within very particular context
Flexibility, empathy and risk taking in a controlled environment.
To be able to respond constructively to the work created by themselves and others
and demonstrate an awareness of areas of strengths and weaknesses.
Workshop consists of
A warm up game then it may be improvisation,
Movement and dance work,
Working in small groups and putting on a piece of mime for each other
Scenery painting/costume designing or script writing.
Then a cool down game.
Workshop behaviour
Whilst we encourage ideas from the group and wish classes to be fun, we politely request the cooperation and respectful behaviour to the leaders and other students. Students who are disruptive will be asked to observe the class so that others may continue their work.
Spotlight theatre group reserves the right to dismiss students who are consistently disruptive.
We do not tolerate bullying. Verbal, physical or emotional anyone found to be doing this will be observed and spoken to with their Parent/carer. (See child protection policy on the notice board)
Mobile phone must be turned off and left on registration table along with any valuables or in own property at own risk.
No jewellery
No chewing gum.
Dress code
Spotlight theatre group have introduced T-shirts/hoodies to be worn with child’s own comfortable pants and sensible shoes.
These can be ordered from team leaders.
Fees payment
Fees are to be paid half termly (6 weeks) in advance PROMPT. Continued failure to pay fees will result in suspension until fees are up to date.
Extra rehearsals are paid on the day at the same rate (For shows)